Stuart Armstrong Jun 12, 2019What Descartes and a puppy can teach us about the youth sport experience - a conversation with Sam Jarman
Stuart Armstrong Jun 5, 2019Leaving behind "mushrooms of alternative pedagogy" - a second conversation with Craig Gunn
Stuart Armstrong May 16, 2019Keep your eye on the ball (or don''s up to you) - a conversation with Ben Franks
Stuart Armstrong Mar 28, 2019'Climbing Everest wearing a 'pac-a-mac' - a conversation (or is it a chat?) with Jamie &
Stuart Armstrong Feb 13, 2019"Coaching is a mystery rather than a puzzle" - a conversation with Alex Twitchen
Stuart Armstrong Feb 13, 2019"I don't think you can go wrong if you give the players the tools to do it for themselves&q
Stuart Armstrong Jan 31, 2019Investigating the concept of 'adaptability within adaptability' - A conversation with Shawn
Stuart Armstrong Jan 23, 2019Cultivating a motivational climate using Lego, 'Swelfies', and 'Mintyness' - a conversation with Sarah Kelleher
Stuart Armstrong Jan 9, 2019"you learn the truth from a child or a crazy person" - a conversation with Chris Panayioto
Stuart Armstrong Dec 19, 2018The Talent Equation Christmas Party featuring Ed Coughlan, Nick Levett, Dan Abrahams, Russell Earnsh
Stuart Armstrong Dec 12, 2018"The resilient mind imagines hardship and prepares" - A conversation with Mark Bennett, Jo