Stuart Armstrong Dec 5, 2018"We don't need more sports science, we need more sports humanity" - a conversation wit
Stuart Armstrong Nov 28, 2018Tackling a global inactivity pandemic with FUN!! - A conversation with Dr Amanda Visek
Stuart Armstrong Nov 21, 2018Transforming a whole sport system over a curry - a conversation with Scott McNeill
Stuart Armstrong Nov 14, 2018"The only time you will know you have done a good job is when they choose your nursing home!
Stuart Armstrong Oct 10, 2018New event - The Talent Equation Live in partnership with Stewart's Melville College
Stuart Armstrong Sep 30, 2018'Developing skill in a Fortnite Frenzy' - A second conversation with David Hinchliffe
Stuart Armstrong Sep 19, 2018"I want to make myself unnecessary" - a conversation with Peter Prickett
Stuart Armstrong Aug 9, 2018What Dr Suess can teach us about developing creative players - A conversation with Dan Peterson &
Stuart Armstrong Jul 19, 2018What the Blues Brothers would say about skill acquisition - A conversation with Dr Phil Kearney